[Synaptic-devel] Suggestion
Joseph Massimino
2018-04-06 05:01:36 UTC
Allow users to give one to five stars on apps that they think are great,
and work well, then show how many people gave it each group of stars, so
somone who is looking for good software, does not have to install and test
everything he ,or she finds.

Joe Massimino
Paul Sutton
2018-04-06 15:50:54 UTC
This happens with Ubuntu software centre and I think other distros,
just wondered if there is a way to collate this so there is a central
database / repository of this information that all the various package
managers can tap in to.

It may make it easier to create real statistical data (I am not an
expert here) but having 100 users giving rating is great, having data
from 1000 + users is even better. Either that perhaps a way for the
data to be shared, (just the star ratings) so that someone can analyse
the data.

Post by Joseph Massimino
Allow users to give one to five stars on apps that they think are
great, and work well, then show how many people gave it each group
of stars, so somone who is looking for good software, does not have
to install and test everything he ,or she finds.
Joe Massimino
_______________________________________________ Synaptic-devel
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